Thursday, June 21, 2012


This is a "blog," which I am told is something read by the Common Man (and Woman; I am to understand that one must utilize the pronouns of both genders in common discourse nowadays) by perusing the "Internet," which it has been explained to me is a series of tubes through which travel words and pictures of cats, among other items. It is very likely that, this being a commoner's communication medium, you, the reader, are yourself a commoner of some sort. Perhaps you are a person who repairs things, or waits tables like the delightful brown-skinned children at my club. You may be one of those vile public school teachers, always attempting to fill the head of the Peasant with information that it really does not require, or possibly you are even one of those loathsome government employees, constantly expecting those of us who have made something of our lives to sacrifice our hard-won stock earnings and the like in order to pay for conveniences that the Peasant depends upon for survival, but which it did not earn by finding wealthy forebears for itself and accruing as much of their inheritance as possible. If you are any of those people, or their other commoner cohorts (and if you do not know if you are a commoner, you are one), this "blog" is not for you. It is a blog for the Right Sort of People, and you are not it. If you insist on remaining here, I must warn you that you will be prying into the discourse of your social betters, and this is completely inappropriate. Unfortunately there is nothing I can do to prevent your unwanted intrusion, but please do the rest of us the courtesy of being seen, and not heard, which in the case of this "Internet" tube system is an excellent compromise since you cannot be seen, either.

However, for fellow Right Sort of People, welcome! Here it is my hope that we can have a frank discussion of our much-imperiled way of life. The barbarians are at the gates, my friends, and here we can talk free of the inconvenient prying eyes of the mass media, which while wholly owned by and wholly subservient to us, still seems uncomfortable with explicit conversation about what can be done to eliminate the Peasant and/or to counter its cruel vendetta against Us. Our freedom is not free, my friends; it must be paid for with the effort, pain, suffering, blood, and occasionally viscera of People Who Are Not Us. Let us here dedicate ourselves to making sure that those people are making the appropriate sacrifices so that We might have the comfort and security that We deserve.

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