Monday, August 13, 2012

This scares me

My friends, I don't mind telling you that this frightens me a bit.
Fundamentalist Christian radio host Bryan Fischer says that the white supremacist who massacred six people at a Sikh temple in Wisconsin must have been a liberal because he hated former Republican presidential candidate Herman Cain and had a “a left-wing political philosophy.”
I have no reason to doubt Mr. Fischer's veracity here; his no doubt vast monies confirm that he is a Decent, God-fearing, blessed man. But I have to say, I myself have never warmed to Herman Cain. I can't even really explain what it is about Herman that troubles me; I love his plan to shift my tax burden onto the Peasant and his courage in speaking truth to power by explaining to the Peasant that the Peasant itself is responsible for its lowly station in life. I suppose it's nothing more than a vague sense that there's something Different about Mr. Cain, that he's not quite One of Us, but I can't, in all honesty, articulate why I feel that way. I certainly hope that this does not make me a liberal!

It is a complete mystery to me.
Now, fortunately, I most certainly do not possess a "left wing political philosophy," which Mr. Fischer has astutely identified in Page's ideology:
“You know what the Nazi Party stands for? It’s the National Socialist Party. What about the word ‘socialist’ do you not understand? They were the National Socialist Party – that is a left-wing political philosophy,” he insisted.
Obviously the great historian Jonah Goldberg has already amply demonstrated this point, but perhaps its subtleties escape the slow-witted liberal (but I repeat myself): Socialism is liberal and also in the name of the Nazi Party, therefore the Nazis were liberals. This is scholarly rigor at work.

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